
My process varies depending on the paintings and my subjects but I try to get as close as possible to a lived reality. I take a lot of photos, with my phone, my cameras. Some ideas come to me following a real-life situation, which I would like to intensify on the canvas, but very few are the result of pure invention. I try to escape from the accuracy of photography although for me it is a practical tool, it can sometimes be limiting. My influences are quite varied and I feel nourished by a whole imaginary gallery of artists and writers from different eras of whom I like to keep a vague impression which infuses me. If I had to name one of them it would certainly be Bonnard; for his sense of composition, the richness of his palette and the luminosity of his paintings. There is something almost organic when we are in front of his paintings and at the same time very clear, I find it fascinating to manage to create such depth in a 2D medium. Most of the painters who influence me have this quality that I find quite rare, that of always managing to surprise the viewer, of creating a depth of which we never tire, of arousing a feeling of obviousness, as if the work was incarnated by itself. More recently I rediscovered this by discovering all the work of Luc Tuymans at the Palazzo Grassi, his management of complements had a profound influence on me.
